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[heading text=”Managed Security Services” tag=”h1″ align=”center”][line_solid icon=”circle”]
Our managed security services are designed to provide the vigilance needed to secure your most valuable business information assets.
[heading text=”INTRUSION DETECTION” tag=”h3″ align=”left”]

Dovestech is an expert in discovering unauthorized access. We can increase the security level of networks and monitor traffic for suspicious data. Detection is mainly based on signatures already detected and recognized.

[heading text=”DATA LOSS DETECTION & PREVENTION” tag=”h3″ align=”left”]

Is some one attempting to acquire your financial data, customer list, business plans and other sensitive data? That’s where Dovestech comes in. We can detect, alert and even stop data exfiltration.

[heading text=”POLICY VIOLATIONS” tag=”h3″ align=”left”]

Unauthorized software, computer use or devices on your network are the open doors that malware, ransom ware and viruses use to access to your network – we monitor for violations and prevent or alert you to possible risky network behavior.

[heading text=”Industrial Strength SEIM” tag=”h3″ align=”left”]

SEIM using a unified security platform powered by AlienVault!


[heading text=”DOVESTECH PRODUCTS” tag=”h1″ align=”center”][line_solid icon=”circle”]
[heading text=”THREATPOP™” tag=”h3″ align=”center”]

Interactive Cyber Threat Visualization

[heading text=”STILLWATERS™” tag=”h3″ align=”center”]

Infrastructure Obfuscation & Intrusion Detection

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[heading text=”LATEST NEWS” tag=”h1″ align=”center”][line_solid icon=”circle”]
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[heading text=”DOVESTECH CAREERS” tag=”h1″ align=”center”][line_solid icon=”circle”]

It’s the diversity of our people and their ideas that inspires the innovation that runs through everything we do. Join Dovestech and help us reach beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary.



[heading text=”CONTACT US” tag=”h1″ align=”center”][line_solid icon=”circle”]
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[heading text=”CONTACT INFO” tag=”h3″ align=”left”]
101 N. Haven Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD
Phone:888.985.DOVE (3683)
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